Moyston Landcare
The Moyston Landcare Group would like to welcome you to our community!
Members enjoying a post meeting walk at the Rocky Point Reserve
We take great pride in our work to improve environmental outcomes for our area, and would like to share with you a little of our history.
The Moyston Landcare Group was formed in August, 1989 by a group of farmers concerned about the increasing salinity in the area. Initially, 32 people joined the new group, and the first project was tree planting on a steep site on the slopes of Mt Ararat. Many smaller plantings were also undertaken, with members assisting with tree plantings on each others properties. Many hands make light work! The group has always been community focused, still holding “Plantouts”, often partnering with the local school children.
But we are not just about tree planting, important as it is. Environmentally, we are currently working on controlling invasive plants (noxious weeds) and animals (mainly rabbits) as well.
Our area is a mix of large and small land holders. In recent years we have realised that community education an important part of engaging with the whole community. We have held sessions targeting the smaller landholders, with topics of interest for them.
We commissioned a Flora and Bird Survey in The Nook area, as well as Masons Reserve. You may have seen the booklet that was produced at the Moyston Shop.
Other regular activities are:
Clean up Australia Day – local roadside rubbish removal
Hosting a Community Dinner once a year
Share the Spare – any community members with excess produce leave it at Moyston PO
Moyston Landcare Book Share – Environmental books covering many topics. Contact Margaret Hill.
We would like to invite you to join one of our meetings (held in Feb., May, August & Nov) or other activities. Going on our email list is a great way of staying informed about all types of events in our area, not just Landcare ones, or visit the Moyston Community Facebook page.
Membership is a one off family payment of $11.00 - Joining Landcare is a great way to meet people and learn more about this beautiful area.
For more information on Membership Enquiries, please email us
Community info session on Biomass
Moyston PS students on their way to a post fire plant out.